Yamaha PSR-E273 Portable Keyboard With 61 Keys

PSR-E273 is an ideal first keyboard for aspiring musicians who are just starting out. The new starter keyboard comes packed with hundreds of sounds, a suite of learning tools and games, a simpler user interface, and much more.


Yamaha PSR-E273 61-Key Portable Keyboard

The Yamaha PSR-E273 is a portable keyboard with a host of features designed to make learning easy and fun for beginners and aspiring musicians. The unit sports 61 full-size keys and 401 realistic onboard sounds that are exciting and interesting to play, including acoustic and electric instruments, drums, sound effects, and a grand piano. The 143 auto-accompaniment styles put an entire backing band at your command and are able to follow chord changes in a wide variety of music genres, from rock and R&B to classical, country, electronic, and many other genres. Begin by using the Smart Chord feature to play chords with one finger, and then return to multifingered chords as your playing evolves.

The PSR-E273’s Quiz mode expands the Yamaha Education Suite (YES) found in many of the company’s home and portable keyboards. Quiz mode prompts you to repeat notes, simple melodies, or chords, giving feedback on correct and incorrect answers—turning ear training into a gamelike experience.

The LCD displays notes for the 112 built-in songs (with a corresponding songbook available as a free download). It also shows learning modes to teach both pitch and timing. The keyboard can pause song playback, if you strike a wrong note while playing along, resuming once you find the correct key. Another convenience is Duo mode, in which a teacher and student (or parent and child) can sit side by side and play the same range of pitches on either half of the keyboard.

Built-in speakers delivers a clear sound, while the headphone output provides for private practice or playing. The 3.5mm aux input jack allows you to plug in a phone or MP3 player and play along with your favorite songs on the unit’s speakers.

The PSR-E273 features a Song Recorder, which offers traditional recording and playback of your performance for practice and evaluation. A second recorder, the Phrase Recorder, operates more like a musican’s loop pedal. It records a short one- or two-bar phrase, then loops the phrase continuously, so you can improvise over it—a fast and easy way to create modern-sounding grooves and phrases.

For total portability, the PSR-E273 can be powered via six AA batteries. It can also be powered by a PA-130 AC adapter (power supply and batteries available separately).

Features at a Glance

  • Lightweight, ultraportable design
  • 61 full-sized keys (no touch sensitivity)
  • Up to 32 notes can be played simultaneously
  • Sustain pedal input (pedal available separately)
  • DUO mode allows teacher and student to share the keyboard for lessons
  • Quiz mode and Yamaha Education Suite (YES) learning features make practicing fun
  • Portable Grand button enables grand piano sound at the touch of a button
  • Over 400 high-quality AWM stereo-sampled sounds including drums and sound effects to keep players interested
  • Reverb, chorus, EQ, and stereo widening effects to sweeten the sounds
  • Includes music rest to support sheet music
  • Either six AA batteries or the PA-130 AC power adapter (both available separately) are required to operate this keyboard.


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Key Features
  • PSR-E273 Portable Keyboard
  • X-Style Keyboard Stand
  • Power Adapter, Sustain Pedal, Headphones
  • ABC Keyboard Stickers
  • 61 Full-Size Keys, No Touch Sensitivity
  • 384 Sounds/Grand Piano, 17 Drum/SFX Kits
  • 143 Accompaniment Styles, 112 Songs
  • Quiz Mode for Fun Lessons and Practice
  • Built-In Speakers, Headphone Jack
  • Battery or AC Powered


Shop at the best price exclusively at Music Shop Nepal.



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Specification Tab